INFO 41 Insolvency: a glossary of terms
This is a brief explanation of some of the terms you may come across in company insolvency proceedings. Please note that this glossary is for general guidance only. Many of the terms have a specific technical meaning in certain contexts that may not be covered here.
INFO 45 Liquidation: a guide for creditors
If a company is in financial difficulty, its shareholders, creditors or the court can put the company into liquidation. This information sheet provides general information for unsecured creditors of companies in liquidation.
INFO 54 Receivership: a guide for creditors
If a company is in financial difficulty, a secured creditor or the court may put the company into receivership. This information sheet provides general information for unsecured creditors of companies in receivership.
INFO 74 Voluntary administration: a guide for creditors
If a company is in financial difficulty, it can be put into voluntary administration. This information sheet provides general information for unsecured creditors of companies in voluntary administration.
INFO 84 Independence of external administrators: a guide for creditors
This information sheet provides general information for unsecured creditors in a liquidation, voluntary administration or deed of company arrangement to help assess whether the external administrator is independent.
INFO 85 Approving fees: a guide for creditors
This information sheet gives general information for creditors on the approval of an external administrator’s fees in a liquidation of an insolvent company, voluntary administration or deed of company arrangement.